



连小涵的主页 » TA的所有记录
  1. 连小涵: Giving up is not because i failed but because i understand. (10-18 10:55) 回复
    1. jusinry: 好心酸的样纸~ (10-18 20:56) 回复
    2. 连小涵: 人生,就是如此啊。 (10-20 14:40) 回复
  2. 连小涵: nobody can go back and statr a new begining ,but anyone can start today and make a new ending . (10-17 11:00) 回复
  3. 连小涵: whatever you do ,remember that you do it for yourself ,them you will not complain. (10-16 08:14) 回复
  4. 连小涵: we accept the love we think we deserve. (10-15 08:38) 回复
  5. 连小涵: Some people just for missing, not suitable for the meeting. (10-08 11:43) 回复
  6. 连小涵: 不思量,自难忘。 (03-25 11:57) 回复
  7. 连小涵: 我从来就不爱和别人争东西 你喜欢就拿去 拿得走就拿去 (01-27 16:53) 回复
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