



Angelachen的主页 » TA的所有记录
  1. Angelachen: 初需,兴奋到我可以盯着窗外一整天。但最难的莫过于环卫工人,早上上班看到街道边屋檐下就一排排的环卫工在下面避寒,愿所有人都能被善待。 (11-23 09:06) 回复
  2. Angelachen: 令他害怕的并非暴力本身,而是那些讨厌自己的人所散发的负能量。他从来没有想过在这世上竟然会有这样的恶意存在。 (11-15 13:41) 回复
  3. Angelachen: It's certainly easier to die than bravely to bear a life of misery. (11-11 13:29) 回复
  4. Angelachen: Not the right person, but it's dificult for me to change it.This make me feel so tired and hopeless. Someimes I hate him,i never have a feeling of falling in love,if i need to say no? (11-10 16:20) 回复
  5. Angelachen: I used to be a teacher,they call me Miss Chen,and I won respect from my students and their parents;now i am a clerk,they call me xiaochen.Environment depends who you are. (11-09 14:21) 回复
  6. Angelachen: You nake me want to be a better man. (11-08 08:56) 回复
  7. Angelachen: 天空灰的像哭过 (11-07 10:14) 回复
  8. Angelachen: The sky is grey like cried (11-07 10:13) 回复