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learning is a hobby

已有 89 次阅读  2015-11-12 20:49
 people say we'd better learn when bearing no life burdens ,and when we become adults we woule have less time for that.

l have been an adult for quiet many years and getting older and older.and i generally still have time to learn .what accounts for that ,i think, is that i do not drink, do not smoke, do not waste time in playing cards  or computer games(i am not blaming people who for playing games).and i still have wit and exercise every day until sweat.

but i do have entertainment :singing and listening to music, and watching movies of  both english version and chinese martial art ,namely action .

listening english radio and watching english tv programmes and reading aloud english articles are not only learning for me but hobbies that have been accompnying me  in the passed decades.
 learning ssometime is only an everyday interest as we do to swimming.


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