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Horror Nightmare

已有 139 次阅读  2017-02-19 13:26   标签Horror  Nightmare 
     He hoped the ladies would never hear of the the horror of the looted cemetery, for they'd never get over that. 
    The sight of cemetery still gave him nightmare. Hoping to find jewelry buried with the dead, the soldiers had broken open vaults, dug up graves. They had robbed the bodies, stripped from the coffins gold and silver name plates, silver trimmings and silver handles. The skeletons and corpses, flung helter-skelter among their splintered caskets, lay exposed and so pitiful.
    The thousands of starving animals, left homeless when their masters had been so rudely evacuated, had shocked him as much as the cemetery, for he loved cats and dogs. The animals had been frightened, cold, ravenous, wild as forest creatures, the strong attacking the weak, the weak waiting for the weaker to die so they could eat them.
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