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Tattoo is the skin of the most timeless legend

已有 213 次阅读  2013-07-09 14:31   标签tattoo  kit 


It is not just the performance of tattoo simple beauty, it is one kind of tattoo artists and tattoo enthusiasts hard heart of emotional catharsis, but also a recall, in telling a timeless story。
American life is everywhere, and sometimes not for the United States and the United States exist, such as table displays the time and sometimes not just exist, like tattoos and sometimes not for the United States and show the existence of tattoos although it was a kind of beauty in the interpretation , deductive kind of an emotion, however, describe it tattooed on the skin "Eternal legend", gives us the charm of tattoo art gained a deeper understanding and insights。 Second, it will not fade with the passage of time。 Instead, it will exceed the time limit to become tattoo enthusiasts treasures。 Become the next life "perpetual endless" graceful movement, becoming tattoo enthusiasts the world Post: once the most romantic trendiest personal manifesto。 Tattoo is the skin of the most timeless legend。
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